Monday, August 6, 2007

- 30 -

Back in the day, reporters used to type -30- at the end of their news stories. It was shorthand for "The End."

Going to seminary full-time has meant surrendering my press badge, my notebook and the obligation to fire off pointed questions at public officials in the name of the community's right to know. It's a great job, and I got to do it for eight years in Fresno, Bakersfield, Texas, Oklahoma and Ohio.

A lot of people have asked me if it was hard to leave journalism. Honestly? It wasn't. The day I left the Fresno newsroom, my feet where following where my heart had gone long before.

All that said, it doesn't change my love for the business. Below is a portion of a note I sent to my Fresno Bee colleagues on my final day in the office. In a way, it's written to every conscientious journalist who I've worked alongside:

"Dear colleagues,
I'll keep it short because this isn't the Academy Awards. My first inclination is to say, "You guys rock," but I'll attempt to be a little more articulate.
Journalism isn't an easy profession. But it is noble and vital. I believed that the day I started, and I believe it today. I'm proud to have worked alongside this mix of bulldogs, artists, workhounds, innovators, skeptics and storytellers. Please keep being who you are. This business needs you.
Covering Fresno education involves a big gray lump of bureaucracy, flashes of youthful brilliance and devoted teaching, a liberal spritzing of Machiavellian politics, and a dash of bald lunacy. I'll admit it..sometimes, it's been pretty fun. When it hasn't, you guys have helped make up for it. Big time.
If you're ever in the Pittsburgh area, I'll treat you to a horrible and wonderful sandwich that smashes meat, French fries and coleslaw between two slices of bread. Or, a cup of coffee. You know I'm good for that.
God's grace be with you all, my friends.

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