This is a picture of the desk in my bedroom. It pretty much sums up my life for the past week. Lots of writing. Lots of reading. Lots of quality (and quantity) time with Greek.
This semester is different than the last one. The academics are tougher, both because they're more rigorous and because they are challenging some of my preconceived notions about things. The best part about this is that I'm trying to carve out time to reflect on all of this -- what it's teaching me about God and living for him (and others) day by day. The awe and gratitude I feel for receiving this training far outweighs the stress and weariness that come with seminary. A few times, I've had to slip away after a lecture to be alone with God for a few minutes just to praise him.
Daily life apart from studying has also been good. My fellow students often take breaks by playing board games or watching DVDs. My housemate taught me how to make homemade bread last week, which gave me a great way to work out all of my angst on a big ball of dough! I'm still messing around with my uke -- trying to improve my types of strums right now.
Then, there are the jokes. We got a few inches of snow yesterday, so a group of us walked to a classmate's house last night and began bellowing Christmas carols outside her door. That's just a recent example.
Anyway, that's a snapshot of everyday life. More updates to come.
3 Thanksgivings:
* For the provision that allows me to be here
* For my family
* For homemade bread
3 Prayers:
* For discernment for the prospective students coming here for visitor's weekend this week
* For peace and strength for our seniors as they look for jobs
* For the men and women who come to the homeless drop-in center on Friday mornings
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