Thursday, November 15, 2007

Motley Crew

This photo, if you hadn't guessed it, depicts our flag football team (the image is borrowed from the school website at We ended up going 2-1 in the Luther Bowl last week, and two of our players got stitches. Thankfully, they're healing up quickly.

A friend of mine recently described this photo as a motley crew. Interestingly enough, my Old Testament professor had said just a few days prior that it's remarkable that God uses people in his plans, especially a "motley crew" like the people in our class.

She added, "And if you don’t think you’re a motley crew, you should be up here and see what I see."

True dat.

3 Thanksgivings to God:

* For the ability of the human mind to absorb Greek verb endings
* For this day of sobriety
* For putting a song into my heart

3 Prayers:

* For God's help in glorifying him through my studies
* For complete healing for all of the football players who were hurt on Saturday
* That love for Christ may abound in all who call on his name

Thursday, November 8, 2007


It's been a long time since I've written, partly because I kept trying to load some photographs and failing. I am now willing to concede temporary defeat, and I'm sending a text update. (But someday, I will find a way to post pictures from the All Soul's Day costume party).

It's a little over partway through the first semester. Here are a few notes on what we've learned so far:

1. Greek: I can now read Biblical Greek on a first to second grade level. Whoo-hoo!

2. Church History: I can tell you Protestants and Catholics really didn't like one another during the 1500s, but everyone hated the Anabaptists. (Insert friendly shout-out to Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary here).

3. Biblical Interpretation: I am learning to do sentence flows -- basically, split verses of Scripture into clauses and list whether they're subordinating or coordinating. It seems my elementary school grammar teacher is vindicated -- I really did need to learn this stuff.

4. Old Testament: The prophetic books in the Old Testament are longer than the entire New Testament, but many Christians don't read them. And, the prophets really were saying more than just, "Repent!" But, they were pretty weird.

5. Spiritual Formation: We have learned about confession, fasting, sabbath-keeping, study, worship, prayer, etc. I've been fighting the feeling that I should be practicing all of the spiritual disciplines in existence. At the same time.

All joking aside, the semester is going very well. I'm learning tons -- more than I can process at the moment, in all honesty. And, humor is proving to be very important. As is the ukulele.

Speaking of humor, we had a pep rally at Trinity today for the flag football team, the Kneelers (yeah, we're in Steelers country here in Ambridge). The co-ed team (whose captains coerced me into playing) is going to compete in the "Luther Bowl" on Saturday in Gettysburg against a bunch of other seminaries. The pep rally was...well, let me share a sample of one of the cheers from today:

A-N-G-L-I-C - Anglican!
A-N-G-L-I-C - We're here to win!
A-N-G-L-I-C - Christ conquered sin!
A-N-G-L-I-C - Kneelers! Fight! Win!

Anyway. You get the idea.

3 Thanksgivings:

* For the birth of Aubrey, my great-niece, at the end of October
* For continuing good health and energy to pursue my studies
* For friendships, both here and back in San Joaquin

3 Prayers:

* For lowered stress levels at Trinity as finals get closer
* For financial provision for the school
* For all of those in the Diocese of San Joaquin, especially those in leadership, as we approach convention in December.